First Love Yourself- Self Love Set
First Love Yourself is an ongoing self love project created in conjunction with Aligned Innergy, our sister brand to assist and support women from all walks of life in a journey of self love, self acceptance and self care.
Our Self Love Set, assists in setting active intentions of self love and self care.
It includes several small items, that offer a moment of comfort and love towards one self.
Set includes, small sized items of some of our upcoming favorite products*;
- Bath salts-take a moment to soak, rest and recharge from your day. Show grace & gratitude to yourself for how you came & how far you plan to go.
- Body Oil- appreciate your every inch of your body while rubbing our lush body oil over yourself. Speak kindly to your perceived flaws, and acknowledge the beauty that you possess externally & internally.
- Lip Glaze-Our glaze is to remind you that words have power & to be mindful of the words we speak about ourselves. Speak affirmations of love to yourself while applying anything to your lips & watch your magic begin to pour over.
- Herbal Tea- A light flavor of nurturing and comfort, encourages an open throat chakra to speak your truth.
- Rose quartz crystal & description card, that can be worn or used for many other uses. Rose quartz is known as the stone of love & is used to aid in healing the heart chakra.
- Mini journal-write, draw, scribble whatever sets your soul free on the pages. Maybe, you'll decide to fill the pages with why you are finally choosing yourself and you'll keep it with you as a reminder during tough moments. This practice will help with aligning, your root, sacral, and solar plexus chakra.
- Access to our Spotify playlist with songs, affirmations, and mantras that will uplift, motivate and encourage you. Dance, twerk, & move while assisting to align your sacral chakra
- Access to our newly created (private) Facebook group, First Love Yourself (F.L.Y.) that will become a community of support and accountability on this journey of choosing to love yourself first.
*Items will be available separately at a later time.