Warm Embrace-Waist Beads
Fueled for the heart, Warm Embrace was created with Kiwi Jasper to nurture and balance. Like grandma's hugs, and a tight cuddle after a long and tiresome day, Warm Embrace offers the wearer a tight squeeze of love.
☆Kiwi Jasper can absorb negative energies. It is a balancing stone that helps to align our physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Kiwi Jasper is an excellent nurturing stone. It is a stress reliever during times of stress. It is a calming crystal and helps us feel relaxed,peaceful and tranquil. It is a great stone for those who work as healers, counselors or therapists.
Kiwi Jasper helps to raise our spirits and lifts our mood. It also helps those that are overcoming addictive and compulsive behavior. It gives us emotional strength and energy that we need to face reality.
Warm Embrace-Bracelet also available; sold separately.